Sunday, March 1, 2009


Today I cleaned like a mad woman. It reminded me when I was "nesting" right before each of the kids were born. Just a feeling in the air that I need to get into the nooks and crannies. Honestly I think I was trying to settle my nerves. Those of you who knew about the Seattle position, we respectfully declined it today. It just didn't seem or feel right. We were trying to make it work, and every direction it just didn't add up. Though it was good money and they offered to certify Eric, it wasn't good for Seattle standard. We couldn't live on it. In these few short weeks that have past, Seattle was a hard issue for me to swallow, literally. When ever Eric brought it up, I threw up. I ended up not eating, just to avoid the urge, and that only caused dry heaving.. good times. But in the whole windows and doors scheme of things, a few more windows have opened for us. We are hoping to hear back from some places this coming week. One of which has got my nerves all riled up. Praying about which path to take, that's the one that make the most sense, and feels like the good Lord is pushing us towards. It'll only be another test of our marriage, but God willing we will make it thru this as well. The Lord has not once let go of my hand in this journey, and it has only built my faith stronger knowing that He has only the best for us, but not until it's His time and not one minute sooner. That's been the hard part for Eric. Having the patience. He being a man of little faith, I try to have enough for the both of us. I only pray that the Lord gives me the strength to get threw these next couple of days or maybe even weeks. We shall see. God Bless.


Lacey said...

Just remember that good things come to those who wait. Passing up an imperfect oppertunity takes strength especially when you are looking for any good oppertunity. I feel certain that what is right for you will be revealed in good time and you will be so happy to have held fast. My prayers are with you.

Kaelene Reel said...

I appriciate every one.. thank you!