Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mis-Adventure part 1

With adventures, there is always a "mis-adventure" or two in the mix. This weekend I had a handful of those. Looking back, I was so ticked off, but now I just laugh because really.. is it worth being that upset about it?

"Mis-Adventure" Part 1

Sunday night we, as a family, drove back up to Kooskia. I had Monday off and the kids were on spring break. When we arrived at the trailer sight and inspect everything, I noticed that the roof had leaked on the bedding. I don't know about you, but I wasn't going to have 4 kids sleep with wet bedding. So I packed all the blankets and sleeping bag into my car. My first task at hand was to find a laundry mat, then head to the store and get some quarters, no biggy .. right?

As I'm driving down Main Street, I spot what they call the "laundry mat". I pull up to see if they are still open and what time they close. Lights are on, but nobody's home. Fine. I now know where it's at and I drive off to the grocery store to get change. When I walk in there, they inform me that they don't like to give cash back, so I have to use the ATM in the corner plus I'm charged the $1.25 to process. No price to high to have the kids sleep through the night. Great. When I go to the check outs to have them break my $20 bill, the lady informs me that it's Sunday and they couldn't go to the bank for change and can't give me any quarters. Oh and by the way, the laundry mat doesn't have a change dispenser either. Oh Joy. Starting to get irritated I ask if there is another place in this town that might be able to give me quarters. One of the nice ladys pipe up and suggests the car wash. I politely ask where might the car wash be. On the other side of town, of course.. silly me. Not familiar with this place, it's 8 o'clock and it's dark, which I'm deathly afraid of. The ladys nicely break my $20 into one's. I head back out to the car and slowly drive past the laundry mat again to make sure they aren't closed. Lights are still on. Good. How far could the other side of town be?

Driving slowly, I spot a lonely street light shining on a figure of 2 dolphins. I think I found it...in the dark. I drive around the oblique structure looking for the change dispenser, found it.. of course not well lit. I say a little pray "Please Lord stand guard over me in this poe-dunk lil town, please no crazies". I insert my one dollar bill in to the machine. All of sudden the sound of a shot gun rings out. I jump, and place my back to wall eyeing the landscape. At that exact moment out of the corner of my eye, I see 4 shiny objects fly out of the wall and land about 5 feet out in front of me. "Oh Heaven help me!!" I cautiously insert another bill... another shot gun sound and more flying quarters. What the hell? I endure this hannis sound and action 3 more times. Scrabbling in the dark to pick up the projected coins. I jump back into the car and head back to the other side of town... onward ho to the laundry mat...
Mission one and two accomplished... on to the next "mis-adventure"....

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