Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Wild Hair

It started out as a really nice day. Eric and I were kinda getting a little cabin fever and wanted something to do outside the house. Maybe run around and do some errands, who knows, just get out. Then the conversation turned to "Maybe we should get a new thermostat (in the first pix below, you'll see how old our original one was, most likely from when the house was built in '73). It would be more economical" Fine let's take a trip to the local Home Wrecker Depot. We had also discussed getting an overhead light to go in to the living room. Oh well, we are off to get out of the house. In our travels we had a good time at Ole Wrecker Depot, I saw some old friends, and co-workers, found some really neat ideas that we could do with our house. But somewhere in the midst a wild hair wiggled up my husband's rear and this is what we spent the rest of the afternoon doing... tearing down a wall....

Caiti Mae yelling at her daddy at what a mess he made. She didn't quite understand as well.

How it goes is that there is a wall between our hall and our living room. We had discussed (a while ago) that we knock an area out of the wall that would leave a walk way directly to the kids' room and straight to the bathroom, instead of walking completely around, not that it was that far to go all the way around, just more convenient

I was yelling at Eric to make sure he wasn't tearing up the laminate that we had just put down 2 years prior. I think he got annoyed with me a time or two because I was running around with my broom and dust pan "TRYING" to keep the mess to a minimum. Finally I had to leave and go to Wal-Mart with two unruly children, just to escape the stresses at what he was doing to my house.

Caitrin was trying to help and be a big girl. Some of those pieces of sheet rock were bigger then her, but she was determined. Bless her heart. Good thing Trent could handle the bigger pieces, because I was still trying to manage to put my house back in some order.

Not the best view, since my house was still in disarray. But I was sitting on my couch in my living room looking in to my hall way and bathroom.

In the end, Caiti got immune to the noise. Didn't care anymore as to what mess daddy was doing, she decided that she needed to do her "homework".


Alaina said...

Now I see why you call it "Home Wrecker Depot" haha! Seriously though it looks like he did a nice job and that in the end it will be more convenient.

Kaelene Reel said...

I call it "Home Wrecker Deopot" for other reasons. I worked there for 5 years and in the first 2 there were over 12 divorces and I was about to loose my family too, so I thank God that Eric and I could work everything out. But yes it's almost finished and I love it already. The kids are already running in circles. It now gives me an excuse to pick out new colors for the walls. Which then only creates more work.. A House is NEVER finished.