Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Old friends

Tonight I ventured out to the glorious Wal-Mart. To my surprise it wasn't busy. I know, how weird. But in my wanderings Eric happen to stumble upon some old friends of ours. Lindsey and James McDougall. Their son, Wyatt has grow quiet handsomely, looks just like his daddy, which I won't deny that James is good looking. And I finally got to meet their newest edition, Miley. She looks just like her daddy as well, but has her mama's beautiful smile. We ended up talking for about a half an hour right in the middle aisle. Trent and Wyatt played in the clothing racks running a muck, just enough not to cause any damage. It was nice catching up. Hopefully we can get together before they leave town again.


My 30seconds of *Sanity* said...

Ah, you were one of THOSE people my husband curses out for hogging the WALMART isle while 'chatting'... We better NEVER tell him this happened. :)

Kaelene Reel said...

Yes. yes. yes we were. But the store wasn't even busy. I was having a hard time with that.