Saturday, July 26, 2008

Sand in every crack.....

Today we went up river. It was a late start but we got up there around noon. I was nice to get out of the valley for a couple of hours. Not to worry about the house chores, laundry, dishes, you know the usual. I had packed some sandwiches, chip, capri suns and other various snacks so we could make our stay longer. The kids had a really good time. Tarren is my fish out of water, isn't afraid of the river, which makes me worried. Caiti had a good time with the dogs, they watched out for her and she fed them, fair trade, I guess. But then there came a time for Caiti when the sand was bugging her to much. Of course it was inevitable for her swim suit to come off. She danced with the dogs, played with her siblings and rolled in the sand. So it was no surprise to see that there was sand in EVERY crack when I went to give her a bath.

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