Sunday, August 17, 2008

Central Ferry

This past weekend I headed down river up to Central Ferry, kind of outside of Pomeroy. I thought I'd brave it with 3 kids and two dogs ( yea, I know, what the hell was I thinking?). The hour ride up there should have been a good indicator of how the weekend was going to play out. Other than being in a big black box without air conditioning and it being 106 degrees, our poor little wiener decided to throw up on Trenton's lap. Poor Trent, who's stomach can't handle pumpkin guts, he turned green off the get go. As I was barreling down the highway trying to clean up dog puke off my son's lap, I see Tarren with a wipe over her mouth and nose. I freaked out on her asking her what the hell she was doing. Come to find out, she decided to get a bloody nose from the heat. And as if that wasn't good enough, Caiti starting piping off about Dora puking on her. I though she was just parroting her brother and told her to knock it off and settle down. She got all up set and said that Dora wouldn't stop "blowing bubbles" on her. Yep, Dora threw up on Caiti as well. YEA for me. We arrive, unload and all the normal that you do to settle in. The next day we had planned a trip further down river and hang out on a sand bar all day and go boating. As the kids were playing around, I wanted to take pictures of them. Go out to the bronco, dig in the jockey box, pull out the camera, turn it on and low and behold I forgot my freak'n memory card. So I have nothing to show for the weekend. Let me tell you how pissed at myself I was. But what could you do, life does go on. We headed up river, Caiti had her first boat ride (no camera), she kept telling the driver, Jack, it was fun. We hit the sand bar, and the kids wasted no time getting in the water. Tarren isn't afraid of the river, which scares me all that much more. Trent has a little more respect and was careful, for a little while, but that all went away quickly when he decided to mimic a 21 year old jumping out of the boat while it was still in motion. I was on the sand bar watching, my heart jumped out of my throat. I could have killed him, if the water wasn't going to, but he came up laughing. Then came the tubing. My older two got their first experience for hanging on for dear life while a boat goes mach 10. (again no camera) As a mother I was leery about that as well, the I got put in my place by being told to relax and pipe down. They had life jackets of course, but the umbilical cord was still in play. I sat on the sand bar and watched, they never fell off. I was very proud of them, and they came back with smiles from ear to ear. Caiti got pretty relaxed with the water and would walk right out to her shoulders and thought nothing of it. The water did feel pretty good in the 108 degree heat. Caiti got to watch a friend of ours water ski and she got to warn the driver when he let go of the rope. She felt pretty proud of her new job (again no camera). I'm sure the kids will be begging their daddy for our own boat, so here's hoping for next summer.
This morning I got up at 6am and packed up the bronco and the kids and headed back into town. Being away from Eric was killing me, and I couldn't wait anymore. The trip back to town was a lot better considering it wasn't 106 degrees, both dogs chilled in the back and there was no puking rally. We arrived in early enough that we dropped off the dogs and unloaded a little and headed off to IHOP. Just the four of us had our breakfast. We went home and crashed. So in a nut shell, that was my weekend. We had a good time but it's always good to be home. It just ticks me off that I didn't have any way to document it, hopefully the kids will remember what a good time they had.

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