Thursday, September 16, 2010


Setting: The kids and I were in the car driving to school. Tarren had in hand all the paperwork one has to fill out when the kids go back to school.

Tarren: Mom, what does "custody" mean?
Mom: It means who the child resides with. Like if parents are divorced, who does the child live with most of the time.
Tarren: But you checked "both parents".
Mom: Yeah. You guys live with both dad and I. We both have custody of you.
From the back seat...
Trent: Mom, I don't want you and dad to get a divorce.
Mom: Well, okay?? It wasn't on the books for today, but I'll see what I can do.
Trent: Okay. Thanks. *smiling*

You got to let them think that they have some decision making power every now and again.....

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Background: Ever since I can remember, I've had a mole in my armpit. I've had it checked out, the doctor said it's benign. I never saw a reason to have it removed and I was never self conscience of it until now.....
Setting: I'm in an under shirt and jammie bottoms, not completely dressed for work but getting ready. I have my arm raised curling the back of my hair. Caitrin just so happens to walk by the bathroom...

Caiti: MOM!! You have a nipple in your armpit!!
Mom: What? No, it's my mole. Get out of here.
Caiti: Well, it's the biggest mole I have ever seen.

Thank you child. I couldn't have cared until now.....

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back to School...

Back to school
Back to school
To prove to Dad I'm not a fool
I've got my lunch pack up
My boots tied tight
I hope I don't get in a fight
Back to school......

Friday, September 3, 2010


I've been had a handful of these in the archives:

Setting: The kids and I were discussing what we were going to do for the long weekend.

Mom: Hey, you guys. How about walking the falls again?
Tarren: What falls?
Mom: You know.. The Elk River Falls.
Tarren: No, we've already seen those falls.
Mom: How about the Palouse Falls? We've never been there.
Trent: How about Twin Falls?
Mom: Sorry dude. That's in southern Idaho. We aren't driving that far.


Setting: Tarren was watching me get ready for my work day. Her bedroom is across the hall from the bathroom. I had bent down to pick up the brush I had dropped and both my knees and ankle popped.

Tarren: What was that?
Mom: That was my knees and ankles popping. That's what happens when you get old.
Tarren: You aren't old. Dad's OLD!
Mom: What do you mean "Dad's old"? He's only 6 months older than me.
Tarren: Yeah, I know. He's thirty this year. That's OLD!

It's nice to know that I have about 9 more months until I'm OLD!


Setting: I was getting Caitrin ready to go to daycare. I was talking to her about her older siblings getting ready to go to school.

Caiti: Do I get to go to school with them?
Mom: No, sorry babe. Not this year.
Caiti: (*WHINE*) So when do I get to go?
Mom: Next year. When you turn 5.
Caiti: (*WHINE*) It's taking FOREVER to turn five!!

She is in such a hurry to grow up, it kind of breaks my heart.