Thursday, January 1, 2009


Well here we go... taking a jump into the deep end of financial debt. Eric and I bought the newest car we've ever owned. A 2005 Ford Freestyle. We haven't had a car payment in 4 years and haven't financed a vehicle in almost 10 years. We were holding off trying to get our last 2 bills gone, but we got in an accident two days before Christmas with the good ol' Black Bronco, aka the Black Bitch. There was no damage sustained to our car, but the metal tin box did a number to the Kia mini van. The road conditions were bad, and the brakes didn't work to the capacity that they were suppose to. Eric was tired of not feeling "safe" on the road with her anymore, so we decided to call Dave Smith Motors in Kellogg and they hooked us up. We got a late start on Monday and headed up there at 1:30 in the afternoon. The winds were horrid, and the roads were good up until Worley. From there to Cd'A the roads weren't plowed. Of course I having anxiety attacks because we had to throw the beast into 4 wheel drive and how were we going to get back home with only a two wheel/front wheel drive CAR. When we finally got there, 3 1/2 hours later, everything went smoothly. They ended up giving us $1000 for our 1988 Bronco, can you believe it? Yea, we were surprised too. By 7 o'clock we were making our maiden voyage home. Luckily the plows had come out in the mean time and we had clear roads coming home. We arrived around 11pm. The kids can't seem to get enough of the car. It has a third row option, which will most likely be up at all times just to avoid any fighting for space. It has all the things that most people take advantage of: air conditioning, a cd player, power windows (that work), a heater (that works), power seats, tilt wheel steering, a blinker wand that doesn't' stick when you manipulate a turn. Needless to say we have gone with out for a while and we got an awesome car that now spoils us.

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