Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Perfect Day

I guess I should mark this day on a calendar, August 12, 2008, or at least in Caiti's baby book. She had the perfect day, potty training wise. She stayed in her big girl undies all day, went to different stores and places all without accidents and even went poo in the potty. Which is a big feat for us considering she'd hide in a corner until her business was done. I didn't put a pull up on her until 8 o'clock and that was only because she was sleeping in the chair and I was avoiding her having an accident while she slept. I'm hoping this will start a beautiful trend, but having 3 kids I know the battles of potty training and I'm sure we will have our up and down days. But for now I will celebrate the fact that not one single pull up was changed on this day, YEPEE!! Tomorrow is another here's hoping......

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